Last Best Gifts
Last Best Gifts is a study of the social organization of exchange in human blood and organs. It develops the idea that procurement organizations evoke and sustain altruism by providing opportunities to give, and by producing public accounts of what giving means. It won ARNOVA's Outstanding Book Award and was a finalist for the C. Wright Mills Award.

Reviews: American Journal of Sociology (Greta Krippner), American Journal of Transplantation (Ben Hippen), Social Forces (Jane Allyn Piliavin), Contemporary Sociology (Carol Heimer), The New York Times (Virginia Postrel), Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (E. Gil Clary), Socio-Economic Review (Philippe Steiner), Le Mouvement Social (Sophie Chauveau), Australian Review of Public Affairs (Catherine Waldby), EES Newsletter (Rene Almeling), Medical Anthropology Quarterly (Lesley Sharp), Sociologie du Travail (Philippe Steiner).