In the wake of the insta-criticism of the film The Day After Tomorrow>; because it is a silly big-budget action movie and not a policy briefing paid for by the coal industry, CT will be providing further movie criticism along these lines. Reel in shock at The Fast and the Furious for its inaccurate picture of driving conditions in Los Angeles! Be outraged at The Pricess Bride for its whitewashing of the reality of aristocratic forms of government! Fume at Godzilla for ignoring basic facts about radiation and the typical size of lizards! And get ticked off at almost every movie ever that suggests that you eventually get the girl. Or that girls even look like that in the first place.

Update: Re-rading this post in a more non-jetlagged state than when I wrote it, I think I was a bit unfair to Glenn Reynolds. I still think carrying on a debate about global warming through the medium of the people who brought you Godzilla isn’t a good idea, but let that be a general principle rather than a criticism of Instapundit.