The U of A student paper, the Daily Wildcat, reports today about some nasty incidents in the library. Library access is unrestricted, and recently there’s been an uptick in incidents where women get various kinds of unwanted sexual attention—- ranging from someone persistently hitting on female students to several altogether grosser violations of civility.

Anyway, my favorite quote from the article comes from Noelle Stillman, a business junior who had a guy pester her for her email address over the summer:

“He came up to me and made some comment about my dress, or whatever I was wearing, and then he was like, ‘Could I get your e-mail address?’ I said no, but he kept coming back and talking to me,” said Noelle Stillman, a business junior. “He spoke really roughly. He was probably 35. I thought he was drunk, but he just said he was from France.

Well that clears everything up.